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[2021 SW교육 페스티벌] 축사 | 창시자 및 CEO "Hadi Partovi" joins the Global Education Coalition, by Hadi Partovi, Founder and CEO
Hadi Partovi celebrates passage of SB242
GirlsinAI21India - 취임사 - Hadi Partovi,
New Kind of Learning Hadi Partovi Computer Science
Hadi Partovi | Teaching courses that were designed last century
Hadi Partovi shares his WHY!
How will AR, VR, and ChatGPT impact the education system? | Hadi Partovi
Partovi and Daughter
#InfyEdTalks | Ravi Kumar S and Hadi Partovi
How I knew Mark Zuckerberg was the next Bill Gates | Hadi Partovi
What was it like working with Bill Gates & Steve Ballmer? | Hadi Partovi